Having a fresh Hollister/Abercrombie polo and/or hoodie back in seventh or eighth grade was about as essential as having
one of these in the first and second grade. When one of your bros called you up to go to the mall on a Friday night, you knew you had to be looking your best. After all, there was a 50% chance your crush would be there (either there or the movies, the only two "hangout" places back then). And looking your best meant rockin' the K-Swiss sneaks (where are they now?), baggy jeans (with a rip or two), and the Hollister/Abercrombie polo (God forbid you wore a polo without the little moose logo embedded on the right chest). Give yourself a spray (or twenty) of FIERCE and you were good to go. We all went through the Abercrombie/Hollister phase (some are still stuck in it...), but thinking back on it, the clothes were flat-out uncomfortable and overly expensive. Hollister was a little cheaper (and more comfortable IMO), but you could not find an Abercrombie hoodie for less than $80 and they were outrageously bulky/stiffer than the competition in
this game. But you looked cool and the girls loved it, so you wore it anyway. Seriously though, in retrospect, it's ridiculous that it costs $80+ to support the HCO Surf Team. God I remember thinking I was the shit when I (my mom) bought my first Abercrombie hoodie. Thing weighed more than me, but I looked GOOD. Pretty sure I changed my AIM screen-name to AandFitchkid1892 after that (no lie I really did).
PS: If you wore Aeropostale you were a square (what does that even mean?)
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