So everyday after a long grind in the classroom and a long run, I head for a nice nutritious meal at UMass Lowell's finest Fox Hall Dining Hall. And there really is no better way to wash down a stale salad, charred to a crisp burger, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch (no other cereal is in the same ballpark) than with a delicious, frothy, thick cold glass of chocolate milk. And I'll be honest, I don't know what the hell Fox Hall puts in their chocolate milk (do I want to know), but that shit is GOLD. It really is frothy, thick, and creamy. But what really grinds my gears is when I walk up to the machine and notice that little spout is gone, and I know that only means one thing: the chocolate milk has run out. No way I'm settling for that 2% white shit, God forbid skim. Honestly though, there are no excuses. That chocolate milk machine should be refilled the minute it has run out for two reasons: A) It's by far the
best only good tasting thing in the joint and B) the most nutritious (seriously I feel like I'm going to need a quadruple bypass after just a bite of anything there). So please Fox Dining Hall, I'm not asking for a revamped menu or setting (which they feel the need to change every 2 weeks and 4 days), but just make sure thirsty, tired, overworked bros like me can have their dose of chocolate milk come dinner time.
PS: Aramark does not put laxatives in their food. If you're dumb enough to believe that, I'm appalled you were accepted to this school, and that's saying something.
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